
Are you struggling or hurting and desire the counsel of the Word of God applied to your specific circumstance? Do you need a safe space to sit with a brother or sister in Christ to ask questions or just talk about a difficult moral decision or deep hurt? As a member of Perimeter Church you are part of a caring family and the Shepherding team is available and equipped to come alongside you in the areas of spiritual formation and spiritual care. 

How Can We Care For You?

Shepherd/Pastor On Call

We are available to chat with you via Zoom during on-call hours. No appointment is necessary. Once you connect to the Zoom call, you will be placed into a virtual waiting room, and the host will let you into the video conference in the order in which you connected for one-on-one conversations.

Schedule A Shepherding Appointment

Click below to make an appointment with a specific individual.

If you have a medical procedure scheduled or a medical diagnosis and you want someone to contact, visit, or pray for you, please contact us at

Weekly Shepherding Events & Funeral Announcements

Shepherding Ministries

Explore the various ways we are here to shepherd and care for you.

Pastoral Care and Counsel

The human soul is nourished, restored, comforted, kept, and guided by the Good Shepherd. At its most basic level, shepherding and pastoral care is the outworking of this remarkable claim. It is about the care of the soul. 

Deacon Ministry: Blessing Those with Material Need

The deacon ministry serves those who are experiencing material need due to illness or loss by distributing the gifts of the people. The deacons also develop the grace and liberality of the members of the church and care for the widow. 

Bereavement: Caring For Those Who Grieve And Mourn

It is our privilege to come alongside those who are bereaved or grieving. Our relationship with you extends past the funeral to a long term pastoral care relationship through one on one counsel to grief support groups.


A funeral, or celebration of life service, is one of life’s most difficult and emotional occasions. Learn more about our Funeral Ministry.

Parish Ministry

Perimeter is a large church, with members from all over Metro Atlanta. To shepherd our flock well, we have divided the area into geographic parishes, to better care for and connect with our members. Each parish has an Area Pastor who shepherds and oversees the elders and members within that parish.

Church Leadership

Church members elect elders and deacons to work with our pastors in providing leadership for and shepherding care to our church members. The Shepherding Department oversees the election, care, and shepherding of our church officers as they, in turn, shepherd and care for our church members.

GriefShare at Perimeter

A GriefShare support group is a safe, welcoming place where people understand the difficult emotions of grief. Through this 13-week group, you'll discover what's "normal" in grief, you'll learn helpful ways of coping with grief—in all its unpredictability—and gain solid support each step of the way. 

Hospital Visitation, Prayer and Anointing

As we shepherd the flock, we step into their lives and situations, and many of the people we minister to desire specific prayer and action. We pray together with the goal of seeking the mind of Christ and to discern what the Spirit and the Word is teaching us. We pray with the assurance that the Spirit comes to us in our weakness and intercedes for us.

Shepherdess Ministry

Our Shepherdess team is here to serve as advocates for women with church leadership, as well as advocates for the church to women. They are often a bridge between women who are struggling and the church. A Shepherdess may assist with crisis care, or she may come alongside another woman for strategic friendship, to help her grow and mature in a particular season of life.

Caring For Those Who Have Physical Needs

We desire to offer our members who are experiencing mobility barriers the opportunity to worship, belong, grow, and bless as part of the body of Christ at Perimeter. We are committed to creating care plans for those with physical needs through prayer, the sacrament of communion, listening, sharing the Word, encouragement, moral and practical decision-making assistance, and visitation.

On Belay

The On Belay ministry is designed for women who are survivors or who have been journeying with their diagnosis for some time to come alongside another Perimeter woman who is just starting out on her own journey.

Celebrate Recovery

One way we care for our members is to come alongside those who have a hurt, habit, or hang-up that they would like to change, but feel they can't. Our department oversees the Celebrate Recovery ministry, where 12-step groups meet weekly in a discipleship format, to create a safe space for restoration in mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health.

Our Team

Barbara Beck

Funeral Coordinator

Pastor Bob Carter

Area Pastor and Staff Chaplain

Erin Grass

Shepherding Ministry Associate

Jean Harrivel

New Member Care and Member Support Manager

Pastor Herschel Hatcher

Area Pastor

Kim McNaron

Lead Funeral Coordinator

Jeanne Purser

New Member Care & Member Support Ministry Associate

Randy Renbarger

Area Pastor and Shepherding Communications Director

Pastor Randy Schlichting

Pastor of Shepherding

Davon Stack

Assistant Area Pastor

Kelly Ward

Compassion and Care Director

Leslie Hamilton

Funeral Coordinator